use again
sustainable buildings, vehicles and products which will use maximum 50% of our planet for next generations.
How? Give us feedback and review your house, vehicle and products you buy, eat.
Does the producer tell you how much of the product can be re-cycleble?
? % Recycled: Why not ask for information about the product or service and share how to Use-less footprint, mail us and share with the world what we can do better starting with the best of the best examples.)
Why? No company, service or brand wants to be related with NOT re-cycleble unhealthy or useless impact on our environment, your home or our planet.
Our Goal: We can not shop unless also the most sustainable instead of the most popular can be sorted for your product or service online.
Countries / Worldwide scope:
EU website / ratings: cyclehour.eu/contact
SA website: cyclehoursa.eu
Get off the grid with your help using a smaller footprint. We decide about our future using innovation and making smart minor(small impact) lifestyle choices.
As an example:
In 2031 the EU will demand by law that a Lithium battery in recharchable cars, recharchable tools is re-cycleble / renewable for at least 80%. Meaning importing a battery from China will only be allowed if the company in China can proof providing a product that at least 80% is renewable.
This is only a start from one way changes to become a renewable economy using less footprint per human.
Our Vision on solar above wind energy:
Also we will choose to promote solar energy above wind energy:
- Solar energy can be done on existing walls, windows and roofs of houses and building without claiming more space of natural resources.
- Solar energy from the sun is unlimited: We can not use all the energy the sun is providing us still for a long time: We only need to ensure we will use all the sunsite wall, windows and roofs of buildings first before we start te claim more footprint and infrastructure on both land and sea which will cause damage to humans (noice of wind turbines on land) and animals (birds flying against the wind mills ).
- Every apartement / flat can use at least 1 window to produce 120Wh (120 Wat per hour x Number of sun hours )
- We are NOT against wind mills to produce energy but we should UTILIZE SOLAR FIRST > 90 % of all our building including use of existing desert area's for solar: We should try not to claim more land and sea than necessary for wind mills.
Claiming less for our economy and lifestyle on land, sea and mining space is more within this context for our future forests so we can reduce CO2 and expand our forests at the same time as a natural way to reduce CO2 produced by burning oil/gas/wood/plants in the last 100 years.
- More... https://justdiggit.org/
- More... https://www.wwf.org.uk/
Your information will change the world, teaching our students/universities to innovate and make it a better place to enjoy for all next generations. Just because we have the science to make it happen!
Under maintenance / Q2 2023
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